"Many folks (including authors) aren’t
aware—unless they’ve read my The Frugal Editor—that many
grammar “rules” aren’t rules at all. Take the word slow. Sure you can “go slowly.”
But dictionaries define slow as an
adverb and as a synonym of slowly. You’ve all seen lists of adverbs
that don’t end in ly, right? These
adverbs are called flat adverbs. Some
grammarians place slow into that
category and even on those lists. So you go right ahead and use slow as an
adverb secure in the knowledge that picky grammar cops get things wrong. .
.mmm. . .quite often!"
PS: To subscribe to SharingwithWriters newsletter and get a free e-booklet on wordtrippers, go to http://howtodoitfrugally.com. There is a subscription book at the top right of almost every page.-----
Carolyn Howard-Johnson edits, consults. and speaks on issues of publishing. Find her The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success (How To Do It Frugally series of book for writers)
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